Legal notice


Facts and figures Romag acquacare AG


Year of foundation:                           2001

Legal form:                                       public limited company (Ltd.)

Managing director:                           Jules Graber

Trade register number                     CHE-101. 848. 708


Business areas:

Production and processing of iron and steel.


Contact details

ROMAG aquacare AG

Birchstrasse 28

CH-3186 Düdingen

T: +41 26 492 65 00

F: +41 26 492 65 65


Website implementation

WeServe AG

Könizstrasse 161a

3097 Liebefeld

T: +41 31 318 33 55




All rights reserved. Images, texts, graphics and other works displayed and published on this website as well as their arrangement are subject to the copyright of Romag acquacare AG.

The transmission, reproduction, copying, modification and distribution of the content of this website is prohibited without the express consent of Romag acquacare AG.

Interested? Our offer will be made to mesure.
